Saturday, February 27, 2010

Spring Sights

It is starting to look like Spring around here.  The wild thing is that both the lavender and the Lion's Ear (or Tail) both decided to start blooming at the beginning of February - I am just now getting around to showing the photos of the two of them..

I couldn't believe how early they both got started, or the fact that they actually survived the move last fall.  I wasn't very optimistic for many of my plants since the move was so rushed and haphazard.

We're starting to get many more of these pretty little guys coming by the feeders.  My birdseed bill is starting to get pretty high as they keep bringing more of their friends.  The photo below isn't a great shot, I just liked how I caught him mid-flight with his wings on the downstroke.

This Celtic design birdbath was a Happy Black Friday gift to myself.  I'd been wanting a new birdbath for quite a while and handn't found one that I really, really liked.  We were wandering around Lowe's at about 7am on Black Friday (ticked because we'd missed out on the TV at stinking Walmart..) and out in the garden section we ran upon this little beauty.  At $39.00 I should have bought two!

The birds love it.  It is a pain to clean as it's very heavy and in two pieces, but it's worth watching the little feathered fiends splash around and have a good old time.

The birds are getting friendlier all the time as they have discovered I am the mysterious being that refills the bird feeders - daily.  They used to all leave the yard when I'd walk out.  Now they sit about two feet from me, chirping to each other and at me to "Hurry up!"

And finally....THIS is what I see when I am outside looking in.  Little furry faces that really, really want to be after those birds.


  1. Wonderful shots Jules! You are teasing us though... I keep waiting and waiting for something green to show up!

    So glad you are getting some Spring!

  2. The only problem in our area is that when we get a little early Spring it means Summer hits us fast and very HOT. We're hoping for a looooooong Spring!

  3. What wonderful photos -- especially the one of your cat longingly looking out... :)

    Spring hasn't arrived here yet -- in fact, we had more snow yesterday. *sigh*


  4. I can't believe you're getting blooms already! We still have snow that hasn't melted in big, dirty piles. LOL

    I love, love, love that bird bath. How pretty.

    And the picture of the kitty looking out at the birds...priceless. :)


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