Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What I See Wednesday

Here's a bunch of photos of the chickens.  We've added a big red rooster to the flock.  A friend of the family dropped him off at the ranch for Dad.  Only problem was that Dad's little banty (bantam) roosters were beating up the big guy.  He's pretty much a gentle giant, poor thing :)  He had to learn his place in the flock quickly here too as Stella immediately whooped on him too!  You don't mess with the alpha hen around here!

Red hen close-up

Big Red and his harem

Playing in the water
Big Red shows the girls the way

Thelma finds a tidbit
My pet

My lap full of chickens
Stella gets up close and personal

Big Red's a beauty

Pretty feathers

1 comment:

  1. I just love the pics of your chickens :) They have so much personality.



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