Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Laptop Finally Bit the Dust...

Well, the rescued plants are mostly thriving - on the other hand, my laptop IS NOT.  It went kerplewey today after about the 20th dreaded "blue screen" notice.  I had pretty much copied most of my files onto DVD about two weeks ago, but that's still two weeks of work that I didn't have backed up as we thought the problem was fixed.

So I will be taking it to the repairman tomorrow with high hopes that he can retrieve at least some of the last few weeks of articles, photos, and stuff.  I'll probably be off the grid for a couple of days so bear with me!  (It's not like I can't keep busy repotting and trying to ID greenery!)

Enjoy your week my friends.


  1. External hard drives may be purchased for about $35 and do wonders for backing up data. I am sorry your laptop bit the dust; always frustrating things are computers. They let me know exactly how dim I am when it comes to such.

  2. Jules, I'm so sorry. I know it isn't fun when your PC dies. I do hope your PC technician can help you save data.

    I had a similiar problem earlier this year. Ended up with an inexpensive Dell (From WalMart) and very happy with it. While I'm pretty good with computers, I was happy that my PC Technician hooked me up with an interesting device that allowed me to migrate data from my old laptop hard drive to my new laptop (w/o having to pay for that service).

    Good Luck!


  3. I hope you can have this fixed asap!

    Kisses from Nydia.

  4. Yikes! I am sorry to hear about your loss of data, Jules... I so hope at least some of your files can be saved -- crossing my fingers here.

    Oh, and thanks for stopping by -- your visit is always a pleasure!

    -- Birgit


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