Saturday, May 15, 2010

Growing Greenery Update

We're seeing a lot of green around here - and reds, oranges, pinks etc.  I'm really happy that so many of our plants and flowers are coming back in full force.  I was worried that I'd lost a lot in the move and with the neglect I showered upon them while Mom was in the hospital.  But they must be made of sturdy stuff.

One of the reasons for my latest neglect of this blog is our Herculean task of finding homes for the majority of the babies from THIS post about the rescued plants.  It has been a trial attempting to identify some of them and we're definitely not done.  We found out that the nursery guy was notorious for potting and replanting plants in whatever pot or tray he could find and didn't care how things were labelled.  (Do ya think this could have been a clue as to why he went out of business??) 

Anyway, so far we have planted about 25 butterfly bushes here along with an unknown number of jasmine - Mr. MoonCat's favorite.  I was thrilled to find that in addition to a gorgeous rosemary plant we'd managed to salvage several bay tree babies.  I love using bay leaf in some of my recipes.  We also have some agapanthas, canna lilies, African irises, boxwoods, spirea, and mimosa trees.  Still working on it.

Everyone in our life is benefiting from this little escapade.  I sent about a dozen of the trees that we think are maples out to the ranch.  It was amazing how all of these poor neglected babies just took off with a bit of water and some TLC.  Our friends are getting used to finding plants in their vehicles when they leave from a visit here.  Good homes must be found by all! 

As the rescues continue to get healthier and start to thrive, I'll show you some updated pictures.  But for now, here are some of my other little pretties that are enjoying the sunshine.

Our wedding mums
Our experimental potato/tater box


  1. So happy to hear the rescue-ees are thriving! It made me so sad to see that abandoned greenhouse. Lucky friends and family too, to be gifted with trees and such!

  2. Sounds wonderful. I also love butterfly bushes and jasmine. Can't wait to hear if your potato box works out!



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