Well, I stumbled across this last night and decided it would be a great way to get my act in gear and start blogging with some regularity. (It's not like I've been reclining on the couch eating bon-bons, mind you...) Now, that we're starting to settle in to the new house and we're getting back to a more normal state, I think I can try to commit (myself to an asylum?).
This blogging festival was created by Cathy (tinniegirl). Bloggers participate by posting every day for the month of October! (You can find a list of these brave blogsters by clicking on the button at the top or on tinniegirl's link.) It is a great way to really challenge yourself and share. I'm looking at it as a way to get my mind back to what is important to me and the family. I have some thoughts on different things I want to write about in the coming month. Many of these are subjects I haven't covered before and hopefully won't have too many of you scratching your heads saying "What the heck?".
I will also be doing a giveaway sometime during the month - I just haven't decided what or when..or how? If you go visit the fabulous blog Curlypops , you will find a list of some of the participants who are also having giveaways! Lots of fun to be had by all. I'm looking forward to seeing what so many bloggers will be coming up with to talk about on a daily basis. Hopefully, I will keep up the pace! Until tomorrow.....
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