Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Guest Post - The Hubby Report

Today's post will be authored by The Hubby. He has graciously been coerced into writing some guest posts for the blog in October during Blogtoberfest. Maybe I can get him to consider extending his contribution and keep giving our dear readers a fresh perspective. (I have included the above photo because it is very relevant to today's entry and gives you another look into our life with the critters.) Without further introduction, The Hubby speaks/writes...

Life In This Crazy House

6:30am, the "children" start to stir. By 6:45, the sound of the cats' thundering paws resonate on the hardwood floors as they race up and down the hallway. Time for me to get up and start my day in this crazy place we now call home.

I step just one foot out into the hallway and am instantly greeted by many fuzzy little faces. It kind of reminds me of that "Got Milk" commercial where the elderly lady runs out of milk and it shows the paw reaching up to flip off the lights. Kitty??? See the commercial here

Moving around at this time of day takes a lot of skill and acrobatics. With the small furfaces in front and the two dogs behind me, the trek to the front door begins. You see, if you don't put the dogs out before feeding the cats, Chandler will sneak in and inhale the cat food.

The fun is still not over. Once the boys are safely outside looking for gophers and toads to protect us from, the long journey to the kitchen begins. Like a cargo ship cuts through the watery wakes, so must I make my way through a sea of fur.

With the cats fed, I can finally have my cup of coffee and relax. But wait, one of the dogs has actually caught a gopher and is now head deep in a hole. Maybe I'll get my coffee with lunch???


  1. Hello Hubby! All I can say is good thing your dogs are out there saving you from the gophers! LOL

  2. LOL - ah with animals! Can it get any better than this - let's hope not!

  3. LOL...too funny!

    And hubby, you're a very good writer!


  4. Loved this post! We sadly had our dog pass away last year, but replace "dog" with bunny and we have a similar thing going on in the morning, lol!

  5. Very funny post, Michael. I think you have potential! Pictures are the only way I can live with cats. Achoo! LOL


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