Monday, March 29, 2010

Garden in Progress

Mr. MoonCat has been toiling tirelessly (do I get extra points for that?) getting our veggie garden up and running.  He spent much time plotting and planning:

He consulted with the locals:

He put up fencing:

He laid out raised planting beds:

He fenced in the chicken coop and built the compost bins and a potato box:

He received approval from the overhead supervisor:

He received a well-deserved kiss from his appreciative wife - no photo!!


  1. Loved the little frog! I haven't seen one outside for so many years. We used to see them all the time at our cabin when we were little. Times have changed, unfortunately, around here but looks like you still get to see them.

  2. Sounds like th is will be a great garden. Can't wait to see it in production. Your DH is hardworking like mine! Our garden is smaller these days since we are no longer in the country but in a small townsite, but I couldn't do without one.

  3. can not wait to see the end product.... I am quite envious.... :-)

  4. LOL. Such a cute post. Glad to hear Mr. MoonCat's supervisor and the locals approve.


  5. We're pretty excited about getting things going forward. He's actually done quite a bit more since I took these photos. He's a busy one!

    The little guy at the top is actually some kind of lizard. We have lots of the blue-bellied type here but this little guy was completely different. He was pretty cool, visited with both of us and wasn't a bit afraid. Hubby made a little protected area for him by the pump where he found him so we wouldn't accidentally step on him.

  6. Wonderful post!! I ache to get gardening again.

  7. Wow, I can only dream of such a big garden. :) I am so looking forward to seeing how your (vegetable) garden develops over the year.


  8. I'm afraid Mr. MoonCat has gotten a bit out of hand with his plans because he now expects MRS MoonCat to plant something in every square inch out there! I really don't want an acre of tomatoes....

    I do have a LOT of little herb plantlings & some veggies ready to go into the ground, but this garden is going to be a monster! I had started 16 bean plants early and they look very lonely out there by themselves so I have started a bunch more to keep them company.

    I'm glad he likes to putter around out there because we'll both be spending many, many hours watering and weeding. But the rewards are going to be so well worth it. (I hope)


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