Tuesday, October 12, 2010

And They're Off...to the Races

Mr. MoonCat has led a deprived existence.  He had never been to a horse race, until yesterday that is...

The Big Fresno Fair is winding up this coming weekend and Pops decided that my hubby HAD to experience the races before they are done!  We ended up spending the afternoon at the track and had a ball.  (We never did get to go inside the fairgrounds, it was unbelievably packed for a Monday and it was pretty warm.)

Mr. MoonCat and another friend who went with us to celebrate his big 19th birthday both had extremely good beginner's luck.  On the very first race they each won $50!  On mule racing to boot!  It was so much fun going with the two of them and my dad.  We all had a lot of laughs and grimaces throughout the day.  I was thrilled that on the very last race, my two long(er)-shots came in together and I won $56.00!  On a $2 bet, that's pretty cool..


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