Thursday, October 7, 2010

Our Newest Residents

I did manage to get a few photos off my flash card.  These are the two newest members of the family:

This is the pipsqueak, aka Pippi.  I have to admit right up front that I have always been a big dog fan.  Noisy ankle-biters have never been my thing.  Until now I guess.  Little Miss Thing showed up at our place a few days before Mom passed away.  Someone had apparently dumped her off out in the country and she found her way to us.  I didn't want another dog and tried really hard to not become attached to her while we found a home for her.  Since this is a smart little cookie, she sidled up to Mom and took to sitting in her lap.  Mom declared "This puppy is already home."  End of story.  Pippi is now the resident princess/tyrant here at MoonCat Farms. She terrorizes the poor cats and occasionally gets walloped by one or two of them.

Small, Medium, and Large
On a sucky and sad note, we lost Mom's old dog Xena last week.  We figured she was at least 14 years old and hadn't been well for a while.  Personally I think she'd been holding out for Mom.  We sure miss them both terribly.  (This is the only photo I could find of Xena around here.  She used to hide when she saw the camera ~ I'm thinking she was of that belief that a camera could steal your soul.)

RIP Xena Warrior Princess
As promised, here is another photo of the hubby's new horse, Swifty.  Both he and the hubby were not pleased with having to stand for a picture.  They had just come back from a trail ride and were anxious for some refreshment.  Swifty craved some crunchy grains and Mr. MoonCat was craving some liquefied grains (beer).  They are quite the pair already.
Swifty & Mr. MoonCat


  1. My condolences for your Mom and Xena. I hope your grief of losing those you love, two and four legged eases in the days to come.

    On another note; EVERY house with BIG DOGS needs an ankle-biter! LOL I'm a big-dog fan myself and swore I'd never have a little one...ha! Who was I kidding! LOL Congrats on Pippi for finding her "true owners". They do find don't find them! LOL They see "sucker" on your face and it's all she wrote!

  2. Sorry about Xena, but glad to see the animal kingdom growing!

  3. Sorry to hear about Xena.... she is with your mom now...

    And isn't it funny how Pippi showed up to add joy and laughter when you needed it most.

    Love the pics!



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