Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Selections

I'm only a cat,

and I stay in my place...

Up there on your chair,

on your bed or your face!
I'm only a cat,

and I don't finick much...

I'm happy with cream

and anchovies and such!

I'm only a cat,

and we'll get along fine...

As long as you know

I'm not yours... you're all mine!

~ author unknown


  1. What a cute photo and a lovely poem! So true, they own us all.. ;)

    Kisses, sweetie, hope everything is well with you!

  2. Perfect! Having 4 inside and 3 outside cats, I can definitely say, "It's exactly like that." (Hugs)Indigo

  3. This post made my day! I'm still mourning the loss of my 16 yr old orange tabby who passed almost 2 months ago and even though this made me shed some tears it also put a long awaited smile on my face.


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