Friday, October 8, 2010

Halloween Costumes

Mr. MoonCat and I love Halloween.  We have fun dressing up and goofing off.  We're not really sure if we're going to get to participate this year as we're having a Celebration of Life in honor of my Mom on the day we were planning our Halloween party. 

So anyway, these are similar to what we're planning for our costumes.  We're making our own, but our inspirations come from the photos below:

Mother Nature or Earth Goddess

The BAD Hatter - evil twin to the Mad Hatter

So what are you dressing up as this Halloween?


  1. very nice costumes :) I have no idea what I am going to be, but want to dress the dog up as an alien :p

  2. I love that Mother Nature costume. I am sure that you will look glorious in it

  3. These are way cool costumes and I would definitely wear the first one. No idea this year as to costume choice.


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